5-min guide to oil-impregnated bearings
What are sintered oil-impregnated bearings?
How are they made? Do they have advantages?
We answer questions like these in an easy 5-min guide.
"Peace-Lon" is the brand name for oil-impregnated bearings manufactured by Heiwasangyo Co., Ltd. and its group companies.
Peace-lon's main products "oil-impregnated bearings" firmly support the precise and complex movement of motors which are used in every aspect of today's modern society from a electric shaver in household to EV vehicles.
Peace-lon may not be visible in everyday life, yet performing a critical role in today's society by supporting the movement of high-tech actuators and motors.
What are sintered oil-impregnated bearings?
How are they made? Do they have advantages?
We answer questions like these in an easy 5-min guide.
Please feel free to contact us for any questions and
requests regarding sintered parts